07783324244 sophie.scott@nhs.net

George Asimakopoulos

Consultant Cardiac Surgeon

MD, PhD, FRCS (Eng. & C/Th), GMC number 4073628

Mr Asimakopoulos works at the Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital NHS Trust in London, a world-renowned centre for the treatment of heart and lung disease. He treats patients at both the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals which have now merged with Guys & St. Thomas NHS Trust.

He specialises in aortic surgery, aortic valve surgery, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) and has significant experience in re-operative (‘re-do’) procedures. He provides a patient focused service and believes that patients should be assisted to fully understand their condition and to participate in the final decision making.

Mr Asimakopoulos practices techniques such as off-pump CABG, minimal access aortic valve replacement and sutureless aortic valve replacement which provides more treatment choice and are beneficial for many patients.

He also has a strong interest in investigating the outcomes of surgery and training younger surgeons who wish to widen their practice.

Mr George Asimakapoulos


A Wide Range Of Cardiac Services

Mr Asimakopoulos performs a variety of different cardiac procedures as shown below including Re-do procedures. He provides a patient focused service and believes that patients should be assisted to fully understand their condition so that they can make informed decisions about their treatment.

‘I wanted to write to express my appreciation of the wonderful staff at your hospital while I was a patient undergoing an Aortic Valve replacement…… I cannot thank my surgeon, Mr Asimakopoulos and his team enough for their care and their skills…. ‘ 

‘My wife was referred to you with an abnormality in the ECG which indicated aortic dissection. Thanks to your personal skill and intervention, without sounding too melodramatic, you saved her life…’ 

Get Started

First Consultation

Your first consultation will take place in the out-patient clinic. If you are an NHS patient you will need to have been referred by your cardiologist. Private patients may need authorisation from private medical insurance.

Contact Details

NHS Patients

PA: Debbie Spearing
Royal Brompton Hospital
Sydney Street
London SW3 6NP


020 7352 8121 ex 82150



private Patients

PA: Maria Palmer
Royal Brompton Hospital
Sydney Street
London SW3 6NP


+44 (0)75393 01044